Technology Software

How to Upload Pictures in Topic

    • 1). Log in to your image-sharing account on Photobucket, ImageShack or a similar hosting service.

    • 2). Upload the images from your hard drive.

    • 3). Click on an image in your photo album and look at the sharing options. You should see a link that similar to “Share with BBCode." BBCode is the standard markup language used on many forums. When you click on this link, you should be given code such as "[img]<hyperlink to image>[/img]." Highlight this code, right-click on it and select "Copy."

    • 4). Navigate to your forum posting account and click "Post Message." Type your message, right-click on it and select "Paste." The BBCode markup for your image is in place.

    • 5). Post your message. You should see your text and the image you uploaded when you view the message in your browser.

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