Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Last Longer in Bed Like a Champ

There are ways to last longer in bed if, like most guys, you can't hold out super long.
Let's first get rid of the ways NOT to try.
These ways will not have you lasting like a champ, but rather like a chump, because they simply do not work or else they don't work very well.
  • Pills.
    Many of these herbal pill remedies fail to do the trick.
    They promise a lot, but do not deliver the real deal results we are after.
  • Creams.
    These basically just numb up your penis so even if you do last a tad longer, you won't feel anything anyway! These can get messy and you can easily use to much which can have bad results.
  • Thinking of sports.
    Many guys have heard of this remedy before.
    This is where you basically think of sports, like football, while having sex to try to trick your mind into lasting.
    Obviously this is a FAIL from the start.
    Who wants to think about linebackers while having sex?
To last like a champ, you have to do the following: Learn exercises.
There's a muscle between your anus and testicles, nicknamed the "pc" muscle (if you urinate and stop, you will feel this muscle at work).
Flexing this muscle regularly will make it stronger and when ejaculation comes on you will be able to flex, hold in ejaculation, and continue on with sex until your partner is satisfied.
Learn mental techniques.
Now these aren't the same as "thinking of sports".
These are more like breathing exercises which calm the mind and body down and allow us to last much longer than usual.
There's been studies that have said premature ejaculation has a LOT to do with mental things going on in the mind.
So we have to address the mental stuff, get a grip on it, and then we can have long, long lasting sex every time, anytime.

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