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Social Bookmarking As a Tool for SEO

Social bookmarking is one of the many tools used in SEO.
In a nutshell, social bookmarking allows you to make your website easily accessible to others by bookmarking pages from your website, and your content, on social bookmarking websites such as Delicious, Digg and others.
Once these pages have been bookmarked, they can be shared immediately with your followers and other users of the community.
Here are 5 reasons why social bookmarking can be an effective tool in SEO.
Get your content indexed quickly.
Big search engines such as Google and Yahoo are always crawling the internet looking for new content.
Popular social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon, are crawled very, very frequently.
Therefore your new blog post has a better chance at being discovered sooner if it is bookmarked.
Increase your odds of getting found
Let's face it, with the billions upon billions of web pages on the internet, what are the odds that your content will be found? Sites such as Digg and Reddit, have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of loyal, daily users.
Bookmarking your content enables you to put your content in front of an audience almost immediately.
Ever heard the term, viral video?
Just last month, a man stops at a traffic light with a video camera and asks a homeless man to "work" for his dollar.
That man had the gift of voice, and was literally an overnight sensation on sites such as YouTube, Digg and others.
His name was Ted Williams.
Sure he had his obstacles to overcome, but he was on every major television network for weeks to come.
Your blog post, or latest video could be the next Ted Williams.
Targeted Link building.
Popular social bookmarking websites have a good trust rank with the search engines.
Therefore, most of these sites have a high PageRank.
Therefore, getting a link from these sites, back to your content or website, will only help your website in both traffic, and the SERPs.
Keyword link juice.
One of the last great features of social bookmarking websites, is that you are allowed to title, tag and describe your content anyway you see fit.
So for example, say you are trying to rank for 'blue widgets'.
Your article that may be titled, 'What goes into building a blue widget', can actually be saved as 'blue widgets'.
So, in essence, you have just created an anchor text link back to your website, which tells the search engines, this piece of content is important for 'blue widgets'.
Social bookmarking is just another tool when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.
It is not the be all and end all of SEO.
Some will say it is not as effective as it once was.
Let's face it, the purpose of SEO is to drive traffic to your website.
If sites such as Digg, and StumbleUpon send me traffic every month, then it is still an investment I am willing to make.

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