How to Buy digital camera at the best price
- 1). ~~Identify which digital camera you want~~
Whether it's a Nikon Coolpix S1000PJ (the very cool digital camera with the projector built in), a Sony DSC-9 or any of a multitude of other compact digital cameras, you'll find a vast difference in pricing available. Hone in on one particular camera to start your internet shopping experience. - 2). ~~Comparison shop for your digital camera online~~
The internet offers a vast array of comparison shopping sites. Check out sites such as, or to get competitor pricing on the exact model of digital camera you're interested in. In the case of the Nikon Coolpix camera, prices range from $349 to the manufacture's suggested retail of $429. - 3). ~~Check for digital camera deals~~ can offer some incredibly low pricing on digital cameras but buyer beware! When you're making a purchase for a relatively expensive digital camera, you might be better off going to a known entity, such as Best Buy or a camera store with a location close to your home. Weigh whether the dollars saved will be worth the headache if there's a problem with your digital camera purchase. - 4). ~~Look for stores in your hometown which offer matching pricing~~
If you can find an online deal with pricing lower than your local Best Buy or camera store, print the ad and take it into the store. Ask to buy the camera at the reduced price. You might be surprised at how often this works. You get a double bonus - you pay less money and get to purchase the camera at reputable store close to home. That's a win-win situation.