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Personal Injury Solicitor"s Advice on Animals Act Changing

If you are attacked by another person then the legal process of tracking them down, charging them with a crime and making a claim for compensation is usually fairly straight-forward.
However, this is not the case if you are attacked by an animal or even if an animal causes you damage, for instance by running across the road and causing an accident.
Recent changes to the Animals Act (1971) have been proposed and the Government are in consultations to discuss these potential changes.
In a nutshell, it seems as if the Government are attempting to make it harder to claim for damages caused by animals and this is being fiercely opposed by personal injury lawyers around the nation.
A Birmingham personal injury solicitor could help you make a case against the owner of an animal that has harmed you or a loved one, despite these potential alterations to the existing law.
Colin Martyr, an Assistant Solicitor at Levenes Birmingham Office who specialises in Animal accident claims writes, "If you have an accident caused by an Animal which escaped from private land and got on to the road causing a collision with a moving vehicle or you are bitten by a dog then this legislation and any change to it may affect you.
If you are the owner of an Animal you should take out insurance against any liability for an accident your animal may cause so that if your animal does cause an accident your liability will be covered by insurance.
" If you are concerned about your animal causing harm to another human being, whether it is malicious or not, it would be prudent to take out pet insurance to prevent too much financial damage, should this eventuality occur.
If indeed you have been caused injury by an animal and are seeking to claim damages then you should consult a Birmingham personal injury solicitor in order to see if your case is strong enough to take to court.
There are certain factors that will help a personal injury solicitor strengthen your case; if you take a photograph of any wounds inflicted by or because of the animal in question, in addition to keeping any medial receipts then this would be extremely helpful.
The names and addresses of any witnesses of the incident will also help the case progress forward.

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