Health & Medical Medications & Drugs

How to Be Knowledgeable About Prescription Medicine

    How to Be Knowledgeable About Prescription Medicine

    • 1). Use a drug guide to research any prescription drugs that you are currently on or that are prescribed to you. Drug guides can be purchased on-line or at any bookstore. Make sure that any drug guide you use is no older than five years to ensure accuracy of the information.You will learn what type of medicine it is, what other medicine it interacts with, and side effects.

    • 2). Use the Internet to take advantage of many on-line prescription drug information. A popular website for prescription medicine information is Their "Drug Interactions Checker" instantly informs you of any side effects or interactions between prescription medications, herbal supplements, and over the counter products. Another online resource is, which is comprised of a medical advisory board for accurate medical information.

    • 3). Document all of your current medications. Include prescribed medications, herbal supplements, and over the counter products. Research common medications such as Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen, and write down their uses, side effects, antidotes, and safe dosages for reference when you need them. It may be useful to take this notebook with you to your appointments with your health care provider.

    • 4). Take a Pharmacology Course at your local community college. Explore new options and learn detailed information on prescribed medicines and acceptable substitutions that are available over the counter.

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