Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Exercise Provides Invaluable Benefits to Your Mind, Body and Spirit - Get Into Motion

I am confident you have heard the commercial about milk, it states "Milk can do your body some good.
" Better yet,, you have likely seen the "Got Milk?" commercial.
First of all its a great marketing campaign and I use to work with a member of the marketing team for the Got Milk? chimerical.
I started this article out talking about milk because the marketing was genius, it ask a simple question and people can readily identify with the athletes with a milk mustache and it garnered a lot of buzz.
I am not sure if you have been watching the news lately but First Lady Michelle Obama has been advocating for children to get into motion, exercise, eat right to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
I am on board and I truly believe exercise is one of the primary keys to overall fitness.
My knowledge and experience with exercise goes back as far as high school.
I had an opportunity to play on the high school football team, however my dad vetoed my decision with an ultimatum.
The conversation went like this, "Dad I want to play football at school, I can still work in our family store after practice, besides this is my last chance to play because I will be graduating next year.
" My dad responded by saying, if you play you can no longer stay in my house.
" With that conversation my entire life changed, I moved out of my parents house and went to live with my grandmother, my dads mother and I played football.
Some may consider this a drastic move but it served three purposes.
One my grandmother was old and needed someone to stay with her, two I played football and three it gave me the opportunity to buckle down on my homework because I no longer had to manage my schedule around my eight siblings while working after school in my parents grocery store.
Playing football helped me learn how to discipline myself.
The overall benefits of exercising taught me a lot about my physical body and how to get maximum results from each movement.
For example, I exercised my upper and lower body through weight training and ran a lot of wind sprints as well as distance workouts.
I started playing football during my junior year of high school which by all standards is late to the game, but I quickly learned the game by working twice as hard as my teammates.
I played on the junior varsity team my first year and learned the fundamentals of the game of football.
The summer prior to my senior year of high school, I exercised every day, lifted weights everyday and ran everyday.
By the end of summer I was bench pressing 300 pounds, squatting 500 pounds and was the second fastest member on the football team and was a started during my senior year.
Exercise does a body good.
Our football team had a successful year and we made the playoffs.
Exercise continued to play a key role in the development of my body because I became a member of the track team and lo and behold I learned different forms of exercise that propelled me to become a key member of the team.
I ran the half mile, quarter mile and anchored the mile relay team.
Exercising during competitive sports changed my life.
It positioned me to be considered for football and track scholarship and I decided track and field was my sport of choice because it became my passion.
My question to you is, "Got Exercise?" Look in the phone book for a gym near you and meet with a physical trainer and get into motion.
The end result is, you will extend your life through proper exercise, balanced diet and plenty of rest.
You owe it to yourself and your family, start today.

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