Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Organic Herbs Versus Natural Herbs

In last few years herbal industry has grown unexpectedly.
Labeling organic proved a best way to promote and market products for food as well as herbal industry.
Ayurvedic health industry, which is also based upon the use of herbs as dietary supplements and medicines, is also diverting towards Organic-ism.
This should be evaluated properly.
Ayurveda has its own parameters about this topic.
These parameters should be used for proper result through Ayurvedic Herbs.
Did Ayurveda not tell about using organics? Dose Ayurveda opposes the concept of organic-growing? Not at all.
This is nowhere indicated and because Ayurvedic Seers were never aware about the coming days of chemical and concrete.
But Ayurvedic Guidelines are about clear about use of plant source medicines.
Let's discuss these one by one.
Ayurveda has described a little about growing of herbs.
They have indicated that these should be collected from their natural resources.
Reason may be that these herbal flora was available abundantly with nature during those times.
Uncontrolled ruining of forests and natural resources, have left us with only a choice to grow these in fields.
But here one thing we should know that these should be from their own specific habitat.
Habitats for these are indicated directly.
Sheet virya (Cold potency) plants are told to be collected from the warm weather and hot virya (Hot potency) plants should be collected from the cold conditions.
It is amazing to not down.
The plants growing in cold are obviously somewhat opposite to its nature so that they can combat the natural conditions.
Same is applicable for the Cold ones.
Are herbs grown in desert condition of any importance? Deserted condition is a condition where there will be scarcity of everything.
But when a list is prepared of these medicinal plants, many miraculous plants came from the Indian deserts of Rajasthan.
Boswellia (Shallaki), Comiphora Myrrh (Guggulu) are two of these.
When these grow in wild conditions, these store everything for their survival.
These vital products are similarly vital for us human beings.
In name of organics we are manipulating the natural resources.
Medicinal plants growing naturally have all the capabilities to survive so these store more minerals, alkaloids, glycosides and phytohormones etc.
(everything which makes these of medicinal use).
This is all like to breed a lion in a zoo and other in a deep forest.
Obviously the natural, smarter and sustainable is that who took birth in forest.
So Ayurvedic plant medicines, which are grown in their own habitat, are most important.
When we grow the same in an artificially maintained field, these may smell good but these may not be of same medical use as will be natural ones.
Here a main question appears that by collecting these from their natural resources, one day we will end this treasure.
Ayurveda has solution of this also.
Ayurveda has told the quality and condition of herbs to be collected from forests.
Ayurveda has told all about the useful parts of these.
For example only bark of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) should be used.
And this should be collected when a tree is at least five years old.
But only few care to remove the bark of an Arjuna's young tree? When it comes to collect the leaves of a plant like (Neem) in autumns, will it harm the tree? Yes it applies to some of these where roots are used but a proper study of Ayurvedic literature tells solution of this problem also.
Roots which will be used should be well matured.
When matured plants are dug away from the original plants, it never harms plant.
So if we manage the things in a healthy way these will be easier and results will be higher.
So, when buying some Ayurvedic or any herbal products keep your eyes open for naturally grown medicinal plants.
We have brought a complete range of Ayurvedic herbs and you will be amazed by using these.
So try to not to pay for some certificates and logos, pay for qualities.

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