Home & Garden Gardening

Top Things to Consider in Growing an Organic Garden

One of the demands today for everyone is to take part in improving the condition of the environment.
A step you can embark on is to start growing your very own organic garden.
The environment is not the sole beneficiary of this move.
You can get to take advantage of the health benefits from your personal source of fresh produce such as vegetables, herbs and some fruits.
Although you may have not tried any sort of gardening, delving into this endeavor can be easy with some tips below.
Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the organic vegetation.
Go through reference books and online websites and choose some plants you like.
Take note of their characteristics so you can easily decide which ones you should have.
Pick those that would match your schedule, soil condition and space.
Remember that the secret to a flourishing garden is selecting the right spot.
Make sure that the conditions in your area are apt for the plants you chose.
Here are some quick hints: most vegetables need at least six hours of exposure to direct sunlight, while there are some herbs that only need a couple of hours in the sun and have to be taken inside the house for the rest of the day.
Decide whether you can accommodate and sustain a whole backyard of vegetation or just take advantage of container gardening.
You also have to take note of plants that are naturally susceptible to pest and diseases.
Look for disease-resistant varieties.
Some catalog listings, seed packets and plant tags mention this attribute to make it easier for you to evaluate which ones need extensive maintenance.
In addition, slow growing plants can defend themselves against insects and diseases better.
The subsequent task is to prepare the soil.
Till it for at most five days consecutively while you find the right balance between working and watering it.
The consistency of the soil should also be checked.
Grab a handful and squeeze it.
Remember not to water it too much as it would become too hard.
Hence, the soil cannot provide proper aeration for the baby roots to grow and later on spread out.
If you have poor soil, you can still work it out by putting lots of compost and/or manures.
These wastes of animals stimulate plant growth when they decompose in the soil.
They can also serve as early application of natural and organic fertilizer.
Choosing your planting day is your following mission.
This may come as a shock but most plants have better chances of growth when they are planted on a cool cloudy day but with no rain or drizzle.
The heat from the sun may diminish the intrinsic moisture in the roots.
As you go through the planting proper, you have to dig holes at least one inch wider and lower than the reach of the roots.
The space allowance provides your vegetation with an initial environment for growth.
In finally putting the plants in each hole, carefully fan out the roots.
Fill the holes with the rest of the soil and cover each with compost or peat moss.
Avoid placing your plants too close to each other.
Closely related plant families should also be planted apart from each other.
Tomato and squash families are two big families that have the same characteristics, thus, they may also acquire the same diseases.
Some samples of these vegetables and fruits are tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, pumpkin, cucumber and watermelon.
When they have enough space, good air flow is allowed, thus fungal diseases may be prevented.
In caring for them, you must maintain a regular schedule of watering and removal of weeds.
It is also crucial to take note of the characteristics of each plant before watering them.
There are vegetations that prefer moist surfaces while some like it a little dry.
Check if the peat moss or compost has some growing weeds.
Be extra cautious in removing either component and then replace it with a new batch.
You should also keep your plots or pots clean.
Walk through your garden at least once a week and get rid of fallen foliage, which can be sources of many rapidly spreading diseases.
Adding some flowers may also prove to be beneficial for your organic vegetation at the same your garden would really look more appealing and visually stimulating.
There are some flowers that attract healthy bugs and attack pests like aphids or tomato hornworms.
Some samples of these plants are cosmos, daisy, marigold, salvia, sunflower, yarrow and zinnia.
Some of these also serve as medicinal supplements.
It takes time to achieve a full blown garden.
You just have to be patient in maintaining your plants, and one way you can definitely have a great time tending to your garden is to enjoy planting and its succeeding tasks.

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