Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

A Cursory Explanation Of Long Numbers

Nearly everyone today has a cell phone, if not more than one.
Each cell phone has a unique number that allows the cell towers to find it and communicate with the electronics inside the phone thus enabling a conversation to take place between two or more people.
A long number is very much the same as a standard or traditional cell number except that it is virtual.
One of the main differences is that a long number is used mainly by corporations or companies typically to transmit mass SMS or text messages.
It allows for a broader range of communication with more people.
It also helps in programming the cellular account to work well with the cell towers when large data transmission, as is typical with mass SMS transmissions takes place.
One area that people may be most familiar with in the application of long numbers is texting votes for certain competitions.
The hugely popular singing competition that makes idols of winning contestants in America, use this kind of application to allow viewers to text in their votes for their favorite contestant.
Yet another aspect of the long number is in application for international calling.
It makes the process of making numbers available internationally much easier and less expensive in the long run.
If it were not done in this fashion, it would be necessary to activate the chosen digits in each country in which the company wanted it used.
This aspect of the long number makes more sense, causes less confusion between telecom corporations in the various countries, and helps corporations keep a consistency before the consumer that would otherwise be nearly impossible to achieve.
Traditional marketing techniques and psychology have long since proved the benefit of consistency to the consumer.
When certain call in shows use words in place the traditional numeric identifies, people tend to remember the easier and participate more often.
This kind of mnemonic device strategy implemented on a global or international scale helps large corporations present a highly polished persona to the consumer and reduce costs at the same time.
The ability to minimize confusion within their own operations is also a key aspect to utilization of the long number.
Some people, instead of the typical name mentioned thus far, call the same thing by a different moniker.
To these people, the terminology is simply a virtual mobile number.
Most cell phone companies that have a chat feature built in to their system will use this kind of virtual number that is automatically assigned as the users access the application and begin interfacing with each other.
This automatically assigned code requires less bandwidth and allows them to prioritize system assets to keep overall cell traffic flowing properly and keep interruptions to a minimum.
In the same way and for much the same reason, text to email platforms utilize the same technology to keep functionality high for the end user without consuming large portions of the bandwidth that would better serve vox or voice to voice communications between subscribers.

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