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Fast and Pray For Your Homeschool Teens

When your homeschool children head to college, it is hard to let go.
Nothing is perfect.
Problems will occur.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
"(Proverbs 22:6) I realize I am helpless - what can I do? I am fasting and praying.
Every time I feel hungry, I pray like crazy.
It is all I can do.
Here is what I have decided.
Train up a child - my job.
Did that.
Check it off the list.
When they are old - God's job.
It will happen, he promised, and my son loves the Lord.
But between training them up and when they are old - that is the CHILD'S job.
They have the opportunity to mess it up.
One word of encouragement.
My pastor is preaching on Martin Luther.
Did you know that Martin Luther was a lawyer and gave it up to become a monk? How do you think his mom felt when he did that? Or nailed those papers (she probably did not really understand) onto some door, ticking off the entire Catholic church? I am guessing she thought he had completely thrown his life away.
She may have never realized that he would become a very famous person in history because of those various unusual choices.
We do not know the future or the big plan - again, that is God's job.
We can only see what looks like a bunch of teenage angst.
I cannot blame the school system.
I was making big plans to blame myself there for a while.
Then I decided that even though I am not sure of the answers, but I do know I "trained him up" and did my part.
Solution: fast and pray.

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