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How to Put Vicks on a Baby's Feet

    • 1). Try this at nighttime, which is often when your baby's cough is at its worst. First, give your baby a warm bath to relax her. The steam will also aid in clearing nasal passages.

    • 2). After the bath, using your fingers, apply a small amount of Vicks to the soles of both feet, just enough to massage into the middle of each foot. The massage will also help her relax and get ready for sleep. You can also apply the Vicks using the back of a metal spoon if you don't want to get Vicks on your fingers, especially if you will be handling your baby afterward.

    • 3). Put warm cotton socks onto your baby for the night. Not only does this help the Vicks absorb into her feet, it will stop any Vicks from getting into your baby's eyes and keep the bedding clean. It will also stop the vapor from being too strong. The coughing should ease in approximately five to 10 minutes after application and can be reapplied every six hours if necessary.

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