How to Keep Your lower Back from Injury
Unlike other outdoor sports such as hiking, climbing, etc. the golf game is much easier and less dangerous. However, you can also get hurt if you are not careful in the game, especially during your golf because the golf often places large amounts of stress on the lower. The execution of the golf places the lower under immense shear forces each and every golf, and the muscles of the lower must withstand these shear forces. Muscles of the body when under stress from physical activity eventually become fatigued. Once the lower muscles are fatigued, supporting the stressors of the golf and executing the mechanics of the golf are compromised. The biomechanics of the golf place the lower under large amounts of shear stress every time you swing a golf club.
First and foremost the reason for lower pain is numerous and is best identified by a qualified physician. My first suggestion is to get the lower checked out by a back specialists. This will determine what exactly is going on with the lower and what the best treatment is. Again, we know the lower is placed under high amounts of stress every single swing of the golf club. Over time the muscles of the lower can become fatigued from the golf. This will eventually lead to the muscles of the lower "giving up" and becoming fatigued. Once the muscles of the lower are fatigued it is a very short step to injury.
It simply requires the development of muscular endurance in the lower to withstand the stressors of the golf. Bottom line the golf is a repetitive movement, requiring the body to perform the swing over and over again. In order for the muscles lower muscles included involved in the golf to perform the repeatable movements of the golf over and over again in an efficient manner. Muscular endurance is the ability of the neuromuscular system of the body to perform a repetitive biomechanical movement without becoming fatigued. How do you develop muscular endurance specific to the golf? By simply, implementing golf fitness exercises into a structured program.
In addition to the development of increased muscular endurance the efficiency of the golf mechanics may require adjustment. Efficiency within the mechanics of the golf can directly affect the amount of stress placed upon the lower. The shear forces placed upon the lower of a professional golfer is significantly less than the amateur golfer. The reason for the difference is the mechanics of the golf performed by the professional is much more efficient, placing less stress on the lower. Stated previously, numerous reasons exist for the lower to become injured. The mechanics of the golf and endurance with muscles of the lower are only two of many possibilities. If the lower is weak the shear forces placed upon it by the golf will eventually lead to fatigue. The development of higher levels of muscular endurance can counter act this situation. The utilization of golf fitness exercises is best in relation to the golf for this situation.
A comprehensive golf fitness program to develop higher levels of muscular endurance and the creation of a efficient golf golf through instruction may assist keeping your lower injury free. lower is one of the most often injured areas of the body in the game of golf, and almost one half of the golf players will get lower injure during their play. And it becomes a daily task for the pros to keep their lower strong and injury free.
First and foremost the reason for lower pain is numerous and is best identified by a qualified physician. My first suggestion is to get the lower checked out by a back specialists. This will determine what exactly is going on with the lower and what the best treatment is. Again, we know the lower is placed under high amounts of stress every single swing of the golf club. Over time the muscles of the lower can become fatigued from the golf. This will eventually lead to the muscles of the lower "giving up" and becoming fatigued. Once the muscles of the lower are fatigued it is a very short step to injury.
It simply requires the development of muscular endurance in the lower to withstand the stressors of the golf. Bottom line the golf is a repetitive movement, requiring the body to perform the swing over and over again. In order for the muscles lower muscles included involved in the golf to perform the repeatable movements of the golf over and over again in an efficient manner. Muscular endurance is the ability of the neuromuscular system of the body to perform a repetitive biomechanical movement without becoming fatigued. How do you develop muscular endurance specific to the golf? By simply, implementing golf fitness exercises into a structured program.
In addition to the development of increased muscular endurance the efficiency of the golf mechanics may require adjustment. Efficiency within the mechanics of the golf can directly affect the amount of stress placed upon the lower. The shear forces placed upon the lower of a professional golfer is significantly less than the amateur golfer. The reason for the difference is the mechanics of the golf performed by the professional is much more efficient, placing less stress on the lower. Stated previously, numerous reasons exist for the lower to become injured. The mechanics of the golf and endurance with muscles of the lower are only two of many possibilities. If the lower is weak the shear forces placed upon it by the golf will eventually lead to fatigue. The development of higher levels of muscular endurance can counter act this situation. The utilization of golf fitness exercises is best in relation to the golf for this situation.
A comprehensive golf fitness program to develop higher levels of muscular endurance and the creation of a efficient golf golf through instruction may assist keeping your lower injury free. lower is one of the most often injured areas of the body in the game of golf, and almost one half of the golf players will get lower injure during their play. And it becomes a daily task for the pros to keep their lower strong and injury free.