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How to Clean Your Windows Registry and Speed Up Your PC

A cluttered registry can bring your PC to a standstill, but effectively cleaning it up is no easy task.
However, all is not lost.
Let's take a look at the options and see if we can get your PC running like new again.
While editing your Windows registry can be risky, especially if done manually, cleaning it out can have a substantial positive impact on your computer's performance.
First, it is important to have an overall understanding of what the Windows registry actually is.
In a nutshell, registry is an essential database housing vital operational instructions your computer uses to complete everyday tasks, run applications, and is accessed for virtually every process.
Virtually everything you do on a Windows-based PC is recorded somewhere in the registry.
So why is all this important? Well, because your computer so frequently accesses and modifies the registry is highly prone to errors.
Most of the time these errors are small but noticeable, however, over time these errors, missing files, discrepancies in data, and invalid pathways, lead to slower performance, system errors, computer failure.
One of the most common causes of registry problems is installing and un-installing programs and applications that are too inept to remove the registry entries that create.
So what to do? That is the question.
Let's take a look at a few of the options below to see what will work best.
Option #1: Buy a new PC Option #2: Hire a computer technician Option #3: Use a registry cleaner program to repair your PC Well, there is the long and short of it.
Option number one is great if you are already planning upgrading your computer, and if you have the cash to pay for.
This is the most common option for those not familiar with the Windows registry and what's going wrong with your computer, and is often why individuals upgrade their PCs every 2 to 3 years.
Option number two is a viable solution, it is also one that is sometimes quite costly especially for an older PC, and may not be worth the investment.
Also, if you are not sure it is the Windows registry that is causing the problems with your computer additional tests and diagnoses may be needed.
Option number three, which uses a registry cleaner software to repair your PC may be the best way to go and here's why: 1.
At around $30-$40 it's very cost-effective 2.
Programs are designed so that even a novice can use them effectively 3.
You can be used over and over again to ensure proper maintenance so that this does not happen again.
When selecting a registry cleaner it is important that you look for a few key features that will help make this easier for you.
A backup feature is necessary to ensure that something goes wrong you can restore your PC.
A maintenance schedule is important to ensure these problems are caught early to ensure your PC continuously operates optimal speeds.
And last but not least, strong technical support is advised.
Most reputable registry cleaners come with these features and many more will help to optimize your PC and keep it running like new.
Feel free to check out the link below for a number of unbiased registry cleaner reviews on the top software programs available today.

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