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Winter Boots That Will Help You Look Good

Once the clocks go back, you can be sure that winter is well and truly on its way. The days get shorter and the temperature starts to fall. There will be ice and snow arriving before you know it. In short, it's time to start thinking about getting yourself a new pair of winter boots.

Clearly there's no shortage of styles to choose from. Leather boots and fur boots are always popular choices. Even when it gets really wet and windy you can still look good in a pair of brightly coloured Hunter boots - wellies with style. If they're suitable for royalty, then they will always have a certain appeal.

But why not ask for a little extra from your winter boots this year? Why not choose a pair that will not only look great but which will help you to look great as well ?

Toning shoes are a relatively new concept on the market. They are specially designed to help you to tone and trim your lower body just by walking about as normal. A lot of the designs look like exercise shoes, quite naturally perhaps, but winter boots are now becoming available.Most of them work by using a special design of sole which encourages the muscles in the lower body to do a little extra work.

Skechers Shape Ups and Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) Shoes both incorporate specially shaped soles which are intended to reproduce the sensation and gait of walking on soft sand. Reebok Easy Tones and Fit Flops sandals, on the other hand, use soles which are intended to generate a slight imbalance when walking in them. The theory is that the lower body muscles attempt to restore the balance of the body and that this makes them work just a little harder.

It's not too difficult to see why the prospect of a lower body workout just by walking around as normal would be an appealing prospect to many people. After working all day, running around after the kids, or just doing general household chores, it can be hard to summon up the energy to make a trip to the gym. For busy modern women, toning shoes must seem like the ideal solution .

A number of independent tests seem to back up the claims of increased muscle activity as a result of wearing toning shoes. Neither is there any shortage of very positive user feedback available. However, there are those who question the claimed results. The fact that many of the "independent" tests were financed by the footwear manufacturers is enough to raise doubts in many people's minds. Relatively small sample sizes are frequently raised as a reason to doubt the results. There do seem to be two opposing camps. However, if all that toning shoes do is encourage wearers to walk a little further during the course of their daily routine, then that's a very positive result in itself.

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