Technology Electronics

How to Get Games for a BlackBerry

    • 1). Open BlackBerry App World on your phone. If you do not have BlackBerry App World you can get it sent to your phone via Email from the BlackBerry website.

    • 2). Browse through the available games. You can search for a specific game if you have one in mind, or you can use the category search at the bottom to narrow down the options and browse through the games.

    • 3). View the games. Some games are free, while most you must pay for; take this into consideration when searching for a game from the App World. You can also look at other users' reviews to see if other people enjoyed the game and view screenshots of the application (if available).

    • 4). Download a game. When you find the game you want, select "Purchase" (paid app) or "Download" (free app). If you are purchasing a game, you must log in to a PayPal account to do so. You can sign up for PayPal for free at the PayPal official site.

    • 5). Confirm the download and wait for it to install. The game will appear on your homescreen of applications.

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