Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Customer Care For Rising Website Usability

Websites are online mirror of your company or organization which should be designed and optimized using specific guidelines and standard. This is done by professional web designers and developers who decide on the designing standards after knowing your company details and the budget.

- Unlike a store customer, internet users also have the similar kind of behavior. They tend to surf quickly through web pages, scan the content, view images, click on heading link, read important information and then quit the website. So here the designer has to list the priorities to be set at which stage by means of website designing.

- A sites design should be such that it is able to grab and hold visitors attention. Human beings can very well identify edges, patterns and motions, this is the reason videos are considered better in online marketing, presentation or advertising. Any websites user interface consists or images or text or both. Entire web page with simple text without any image or bold italic looks unattractive. Therefore their use should be balanced and in right proportion.

- Never design a website that keeps a user imagining or thinking about the information you are giving. An ideal website should be self explanatory which is very clear in presenting the idea, with no confusion. A good website designer designs a site which is to answer the questions of the visitors. This would make the users trust your company and believe in what you are saying.

- The web content should be very effective and relevant to your company. Remember that internet is different from print media therefore how the people browse the web and their preferences should be known. Lengthy content which is devoid of images or bold marked keywords are not liked by users.

- Information that you provide through your website should be simple, to-the-point and useful for the users. Websites that are full of attractive images but lacks in quality information do not succeed in attracting and sustaining users interest and attention for long.

- Include white spaces on the web pages wherever it is needed. Over-crowded web page with content or images put off the visitors. White space creates the feeling of spaciousness which enhances the content and graphics present on a website.
- Keep search option in your website. It is not advisable to keep a website devoid of this facility. This helps the users in searching the information they are looking for.

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