Health & Medical Self-Improvement

3 Steps To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Madly In Love With You Again

I think it's men's logical minds that make us want a steps to get your ex girlfriend back. I could never find these exact steps, but through my own personal trial and error I have discovered the following 3 great steps.

* Reverse psychology at its best *

So you just got dumped? So what do you do? You pretend as if it was the best decision she could have ever made. Agree with the break up and say that you have also been thinking about it a lot and you really agree that it is the best thing for both of you.

Then get back to your life, start living again. Be sure to never ever let your ex girlfriend see you weeping in a little pile somewhere. You want to make it seem as if you are rocking life, going to gym again (sure you can just say that you do, but I highly recommend actually going), hanging out with your friends and going to all those parties you missed because of your girlfriend and just generally living life and being a happy person.

This give you amazing value in any woman's eyes, including your ex girlfriend. When she sees how great you are doing, she will serious start thinking about the break up and if it was the right thing to do. You just make sure you remain strong and avoid any contact on purpose. If she eventually contacts you again (and she will), be sure to always be friendly but at the same time...

* Be unavailable *

This links perfectly with the previous tip. This works on a fundamental psychological principle that applies to every person on earth.

The thing a person wants most in the world is the thing they cannot have.

You are about to become that thing. Like I said, always be friendly, but when you are talking over the phone for example, be sure to always say goodbye first. Say that you see someone else is trying to call you, you'll phone back right now... then don't.

This will leave her wondering what on earth has happened to you. When you eventually talk to her again a day or so later, you of course tell her that your friends was waiting outside and came to pick you up to go for a beer or something similar. Being unavailable like this adds huge heaps of attraction points towards you in her eyes and you will soon start to realize that SHE will become needy as she starts feeling the rejection.

* Find your happy place *

So far I've been saying that you should fake, act and pretend how well you are doing. This is to avoid her realizing that you are still hurting very much from the break-up.

This is all fine and exactly what you should do, but when the time comes to actually put the plan into action you will need to truly be in a happier state than you are right now. Be sure to use some of the time you have free now to do some introspection, get to know yourself and see where you did things wrong in the relationship.

Women have a very sharp sense of observation and can tell when you are faking something. In the end for this to really work, you have to become independent of her and be able to live without her in your life. You should never rely on anybody else for your own happiness. Is she realizes that you are doing just fine without her and not validating her any more, she won't be able to help herself and almost throw herself back into your arms.

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