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Labour Party Information


    • The working class helped create Britain's Labour Party.worker road image by Emmanuel Lacoste from

      The Labour, Conservative, and the Liberal Democrats are the three main political parties in Great Britain. The Labour Party was created in the year 1900, as a new party for a new century. The Labour Party was the creation of the working class, trade unionists, and socialists in Britain. These groups of people were looking for social justice. Nearly 100 years after the creation of the political party, the Labour party dominated the General Elections in Great Britain from 1997 to 2005.


    • James Ramsay MacDonald was Britain's first Labour Prime Minister.great britain image by Franz Metelec from

      The Labour Party was created during the turn of the 20th century. In 1924, James Ramsay MacDonald became the first Labour Prime Minister in Britain. Although his first term only lasted from January 1924 to November of the same year, he was responsible for passing social reform legislation for Britain. The Labour Party is responsible for intermittent political victories following MacDonald; however, the party made a dominant thirteen year political comeback following the General Election of 1997.


    • The Labour party looks at the green revolution for the future.wind turbine green image by redrex from

      In 2010, the Labour Party developed a manifesto which highlights the future goals of the party. The manifesto features ideas regarding the restructuring of the economy, as well as reforming and protecting public services. The Labour Party structures the immediate future of Great Britain upon the green and digital industries. The services from these two industries will provide more employment opportunities for the people of Great Britain. The Labour Party hopes this approach lowers the financial deficit.


    • During 1995, the Labour Party used radical reform as their political platform.Reform image by Angelika Bentin from

      Throughout the twentieth century, the Labour party experienced several political defeats in the general elections. During 1995, radical reform was introduced by Tony Blair. It was not easy for Mr. Blair to convince some of the party traditionalists that reform was necessary; however, his strategy worked. He was the leader of the Labour party and carried the party to political victory during the 1997 general election. Tony Blair maintained the position of Britain's Prime Minister for three consecutive terms, and further helped transform the mission of the Labour party.


    • The Labour Party is interested in improving health concept image by drx from

      As of 2010, there are several million members of the Labour Party. Party membership consists of either an individual or a union membership. There are about 300,000 individual memberships and several million union memberships supporting the Labour Party. All members pay a fee to the party. As the Labour Party looks towards the future, the party members are focused on areas such as education, health care, employment, economic security, and lowering the crime rate in Britain.

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