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Importance of MBA Admission Essay


    • MBA admissions officials will want to know that you understand the significance of leadership. This is true regardless of whether or not you have had extensive professional leadership experiences. Leadership knowledge and skills indicate that you will be capable of motivating others you may supervise to achieve institutional goals. In addition, you may be competing against other candidates who do have years of professional leadership experience. Consequently, your discussion of leadership in your essay must touch on specific points. These points should include the objectives you had as a leader, the communication style that you used, how you motivated others and specifics on the steps you took as a leader to accomplish your mission.

    Career Goals

    • School officials will inquire about your career goals and how you believe an MBA will help you achieve them. The portion of the essay that focuses on your career may also call on you to explain why you believe the educational institution that you are applying to is the right choice for you. You must ensure that you have a clear understanding of the MBA program and be capable of defining its benefits to students, and to you in particular, before you begin your essay.

    Who Are You?

    • MBA program officials want to know whom they are considering for admission. You may be asked what your personal interests or hobbies are, what you do for fun and why you elected to participate in these interests or hobbies. You may also be asked to explain whom you admire in business and why, or from what professional you would like to learn. School officials may also be interested in finding out what you feel are your life failures and why, or what you believe to be your greatest achievements. Finally, you may be asked to discuss anything else you feel they should know about you.


    • Teamwork is a significant element of business. In any large company there is a requirement that people work together and that they do so successfully in order to accomplish tasks. Your MBA admissions essay will ask questions about your past experiences with teamwork and how you dealt with them. You should discuss times in your life when you worked on teams, whether during employment or in school, and how you handled those times successfully.


    • Themes throughout your essay allow you to create a strong position for yourself as a learner and give you the opportunity to distinguish yourself from others. The themes that you select throughout your essay should be qualities you have that support your selection as an MBA student, such as being a great leader or embracing cultural diversity.

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