Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Freelance Business Content Subcontracting - Is it Worth It?

You have a relatively new freelance business going, and you've gotten a really big project - at least the biggest you've ever accepted.
You're excited, but you're also a bit apprehensive: can you get the job done on time? Or, if it's an ongoing gig, will you be able to produce the required content on a regular basis? You way the pros and cons, and decide to subcontract some of the work to take the pressure off of you; or maybe you choose this option because it's just not feasible for you to do it alone.
Well, before you make commitments with subcontractors, think it through thoroughly.
There are certain aspects of any job that you need to fully understand before you start subcontracting work.
This means asking yourself questions and finding the answers.
Probably, the main question you will need to ask: Does the job warrant hiring subcontractors? Does the job pay well enough to warrant hiring subcontractors? For example: you get a big ongoing article writing gig.
It would be difficult for you to handle it alone within the weekly or monthly time limits.
Also, there are specific keywords that will need to be used for each article, and it's a concern that you will end up having articles that sound alike.
These are valid concerns, but if you're not making enough money on the deal, is it worth it to hire subcontractors, or even accept the job? Get out a calculator if you need to, and determine how much you will make per article taking into account the time you will have to spend researching for your own articles, proofing each outsourced article, and possibly even editing them.
This last scenario is very, very, very likely if you don't already have a team of subcontractors who you are familiar with, and who you know can produce quality content, in a timely fashion.
Even under these circumstances, you will end up doing some, although minor, editing.
Along with this, don't forget to take into account the administrative aspect of organizing, managing, communications, and bookkeeping.
This all adds up to time and effort.
Another possibility that is bound to happen is when the client asks you to edit a few articles after you've submitted them to him.
This is more of your time and energy being used.
If the editing is required because you didn't do a good job on that particular piece, or your information was inaccurate, then it's your responsibility to edit it with no charge.
If on the other hand, the site your client submitted the piece to is just being picky, or the client is just being picky, you should charge an editing fee.
One of the primary keys to being successful is to know your value.

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