Ways to Save on Heating
- It's tempting to crank the heater up when the weather gets cold, but you can save money if you keep your thermostat set lower. Keep the temperature in your home between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Any higher, and your heater will be running nonstop. If no one is home during the day, turn the thermostat off or set it even lower. There is no need to heat an empty house. Simply turn it back up when you get home. You can turn down the heat at night when you are in bed as well. Just add an extra blanket before settling down. You can also invest in a digital programmable thermostat, which enables you to program levels by date and time, essentially doing the monitoring for you.
- Older homes may have poor insulation that lets most of your heat escape. Hire a professional to look at your insulation. Replacing it might cost you money up front, but new insulation will help you save on heating costs in the long run. You can also insulate your windows during the winter months. If cold air seems to leak in around the edges, try adding a new layer of caulk. You can also purchase plastic shrink wrap for your windows that will help keep warm air in and cold air out. On exceptionally cold days, pack towels around the bottoms of your doors to keep your heat from escaping.
- You can rely on your heater less if you have other means of heating your home. Purchase space heaters for large areas, such as the living room. These can provide heat at a fraction of the cost. They are also portable, so you can carry them from room to room with you. A fireplace is also an option if you have one in your home. Snuggle up next to the flames rather than turning up the heater. After you use your oven, leave the door open until it cools. The heat will escape from the oven and warm up your kitchen.
- Wearing warmer clothes inside the home can allow you to use your heater less and reduce your bill. Put on extra socks and sweaters in the evenings. Keep extra blankets near chairs, couches and beds. You can also wear a hat, even inside the house. Your body heat escapes through your head, and wearing a hat or hooded sweatshirt can keep you warmer. Ask your family to bundle up too, so that you can turn the thermostat down.