Law & Legal & Attorney Wills & trusts

How to Write Your Own Will Packet

    • 1). Title your will at the top of the page. The standard heading is "Last Will and Testament."

    • 2). Write the declaration. This is a statement outlining your full name, previous names, residential address and a confirmation that you are of legal age and sound mind, that the current will is the most recent, and that you are not being forced or influenced to write the will.

    • 3). Name an executor of your will. This person will make all payments due by the estate, such as funeral expenses, debts and taxes. She will also distribute the assets to the beneficiaries in accordance with the will. This person is typically the remaining spouse or a close family member or friend. Naming an alternate executor is a good idea in case the first choice is not available when the time comes.

    • 4). Name a guardian for any minor children. If you have children who require guardianship and there is no natural parent still alive, you should appoint a guardian. If no one is designated, the state will appoint one in accordance with state law.

    • 5). List your beneficiaries. When naming beneficiaries, be as specific as possible to avoid identification problems. Name secondary beneficiaries in case your first choice is deceased. You may list specific inheritances to individuals or organizations.

    • 6). Outline your assets. Be as specific as possible. For foreign assets, a separate will should be made.

    • 7). Specify funeral arrangements. You may outline how you want your body to be taken care of in any way, as long as no laws are violated.

    • 8). Sign your will in the presence of two witness (three in Vermont) who then also sign the will. These witnesses should not benefit from your will in any way. Their full names, addresses, ages and mental capacity should be noted.

    • 9). Notarize your will. Some states, such as Louisiana, require this but, even if your state doesn't, it is a good idea to do it anyway.

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