Travel & Places Outdoors

Safety and Effective Deer Hunting Tips

Deer hunting is my most favorite outdoor activity during fall. It's more fun and challenging to hunt for deer than any other animals. And because I'm too excited, I tried to put on my bright yellow-orange hunting clothes, accessories and my weapon to see how I would look.
Hunting season came and I have all my gears on. My wife teased me about how silly I look in my bright yellow-orange hunting clothes.

But I'm sure she would say I have lost my mind if I didn't wear all this. I know she is very much concern of my safety. I double-checked all the things that I should have in my hunt. It got hot me to think just how important it is to be safe out there. Perhaps the most important aspect of hunting is safety and ethics.

Deer hunting is another kind of outdoor sport but just like any other hunting recreation, we must follow safety precautions to refrain from having accidents. Safe hunting is the responsibility of all hunters and the safety of all their fellow hunters.

Follow the tips listed below, and you will help make your outdoor activity safer for all.
€ Wearing bright orange hunting clothing gears is very important. The reason for this is that you can be easily seen and other hunters will not regard you as a deer. It's not only a safety tip but it is being required by the law.

€ Most accidents happen when a hunter is too excited to shoot not being sure of his target. This is what mostly caused accidents among hunters. So, when in doubt, do not be too excited to pull that trigger.
€ You don't want to experience what happen to Aron Ralston, a mountain climber and his remarkable adventure in the true-story movie 127 Hours. Let your family and friends know where you are going to hunt, its location and when can they expect you to come home.
€ Weather change every now and then. It is best to know the weather forecast ahead of time so will have an idea of what weather to expect when hunting.
€ And if it is possible, hunt with a buddy. It's a little dangerous for you to hunt alone. You might be needing help but there's nobody to help you. Some hunting locations have guides to show you the area's nuances. The guide will have experience of the area so take on board his advice
€ Plan placement of stands strategically. Put your stands in the best locations. Often 40 yards downwind of a deer hotspot. And make sure it is installed or built safety before you climb up on it.
€ This step is what I do a few months before the big hunt. I make sure my gun is in its full condition including its scope. I clean my scopes too. I am using Nikon M223 Rifle Scope since I started hunting. Super-easy to use! Designed specifically for the .223 (5.56mm NATO) 55 grain round, the NikoPlex reticle with the innovative range adjustment, or the BDC 600 reticle with MOA adjustment takes the guess work out of hold-over. In addition, Nikon M223 Rifle Scope is waterproof, fogproof as well as shockproof. A very good value for the money.

So, hunt safe to have fun. It is not only an outdoor recreation but a way of spending time with your friends and family and even to your dog. That is why it's very important to ensure the safety of everybody.

Lastly, when you get your hunting license ask for brochures or you may check on sites of your natural resource department and have some information printed. Keep and practice this safety tips to have a much fun hunting experience.

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