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How to Hang Curio Cabinets

    • 1). Decide how high on the wall to mount the curio cabine. Mark the wall where the bottom of the cabinets will rest.

    • 2). Lay the edge of a level on the pencil mark. Adjust the level until the bubble inside the tube indicates level. Draw a pencil line on the wall along the edge of the level.

    • 3). Use a stud finder to locate the wall studs and mark their location on the wall.

    • 4). Lay a strip of 1-by-3-inch pine against the wall with the top edge resting on the pencil line. Screw it to the wall using drywall screws, an electric drill and screwdriver bit. Make sure to screw into the wall studs. This is a ledger board the base of the curio cabinet will rest on while being screwed to the wall studs.

    • 5). Set the base of the curio cabinet on the ledger board. Have a second person hold it in place. Check the cabinet to make sure it's level and plumb--perpendicular to the floor. Set the level on top of the cabinet first to check that it's level. Next set the level on the front of the cabinet to check for plumb. Slide wood shims between the back of the cabinet and the wall until the level indicates the cabinet is plumb.

    • 6). Open the door of the curio cabinet. Using the electric drill, screw in two 2 1/2-inch wood screws into each stud. Place them about 12-inches apart.

    • 7). Remove the ledger board and plug the holes with filler. Trim away any shims protruding from the back of the cabinet with a clean, sharp utility knife.

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