Health & Medical Acne

A Few Tips to Become Acne Free

 It has been a long time misperception that acne is caused by poor hygiene or bad eating habits.
You need not believe these as acne is not directly related to these factors.
Though some food can affect acne, acne itself is not a side effect of improper eating habits.
What I hated most is how people tell you not to eat chocolate if you have acne.
Here are a few tips that will help you reduce your acne and eventually become acne free.
  Avoid rubbing and popping zits   I used to have this bad habit; it is not easy to resist that yellow zit that is screaming "pop me".
But believe me, however tempting it can be, you better not do it to avoid scarring your face.
Sad thing is scars takes much longer to face away; some can take 6 months to a year while others will stay forever.
Also popping zits does not mean you will get rid of it faster, in fact when you apply pressure on the skin, you will just spread the puss under your skin to other areas.
Do not be surprised if you wake up the next day you find yourself new growing zits.
  Drink lots of water   It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
When you have acne it is even more important to drink water as it helps the proper operation of the circulatory and digestive system.
Also the body will be well hydrated, overall having your body in a better working condition thus getting rid of the organisms that causes acne much faster.
  Stay away from cosmetics   Many cosmetics are oil based which is a no-no for acne.
Cosmetics are known to clog pores whether you have acne or not, so to avoid making your skin any worse, better use cosmetics that are meant for skin with acne only.
Make sure you clean your skin well afterwards.
  Having done the above have helped me to get rid of acne much faster, I have been acne free for a few months now since I tried Acne Free in 3 Days method, using the tips above have helped me be freed from acne permanently.

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