Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

How to Avoid Further Loss of Your Hair

How well have you been in regrowing your hair back? Most of us start to lose our hair around our mid 30's and some of us even earlier than this.
You need to really get your hands on some great methods to avoid losing your hair any further in order to protect your scalp from total baldness.
Good news is that this can be done easily and quickly.
One of the first areas that get overlooked when battling hair loss are the types of haircare products you use daily.
You just can't go off and use this shampoo and that one and expect your hair to grow back the way it should.
There's a simple reason for this.
You see over 90% of commercial shampoo products contain an ingredient called Sodium Laureth Sulphate.
This is a de-greasing agent known for its ability to lift trapped dirt and oil from the hair and scalp.
The problem with this chemical additive is that it's extremely too strong for your hair.
It literally strips it out once your hair has been in contact with it for so long.
Here's some good advice to follow.
Stay away from any product whether it be a hair spray or even wash that contains.
Lean towards the use of herbal aids such as those containing green tea and aloe.
It's a safe way to avoid further loss of your hair and even regrow the hair you may have lost.
You may find that you have to search in herbal shops and spend a little more than usual, but it is well worth the time and expense.

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