Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Asthma and Children - How To Stop It With Natural Treatments

I believe the cause of so many asthmatic children and babies is a combination of improper breathing technique and a maturing immune system.
Genetics will also play a part, with an increased chance of a child with a parent or sibling having asthma, however the first two reasons will better explain why some children will outgrow asthma.
Asthma is a breathing and an auto immune disorder.
I don't like to use the word disease because I don't believe that it is.
Many doctors feel the same as me on this issue and believe that it is more appropriate to call asthma a disorder which consists of various symptoms.
Symptoms including wheezing, tightness in chest, breathlessness, blocked or runny nose and coughing.
If improper breathing techniques are corrected this can often cure a child's asthma.
At the same time as a child's immune system as it develops gets stronger and stronger which can also have a dramatically positive effect on asthma.
This is especially true if the child suffers from allergies or allergic asthma.
Because a child has an under-develop immune system it is extremely important to be aware of potential asthma triggers within the home environment.
Keep a clean house, perhaps re-think having a family pet if you have a child with asthma.
Look at what plants and trees are planted in your garden, it is very possible certain pollens could trigger asthma symptoms.
Avoid children coming into contact with harsh chemicals and of course avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.
Diet is another critical factor in managing children with asthma.
Some foods can trigger asthma symptoms especially in children with food sensitivities.
Foods that commonly cause allergies are nuts, eggs, animal meats and proteins including milk.
Make sure you know for sure that a particular food which may be healthy for your child is a problem before you exclude it from their diet, foods like milk are important for a child's development and shouldn't be eliminated without solid evidence that it is indeed problematic.
Consult your doctor and ask for an allergy test.
My recommendations is to include probiotics into your children's diet.
Get a good cross-section of different good friendly bacteria which will do wonders for your children's immune system.
Along with a good healthy diet which includes plenty of fruit and vegetable and minimize processed foods.
The other key recommendation is to foster proper breathing techniques as soon as possible.
Asthma is a breathing disorder or respiratory imbalance.
If you can correct the imbalance you can cure a child with asthma.
Approximately half of children asthma will not have asthma as an adult.
To beat the odds and not leave it up to chance simply follow my recommendations.

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