What Will Happen to the Global Economy in 2012?
Does anybody really know what the Global Economy will do in 2012? Can the experts correctly predict how it will all turn out? It's hard to say really.
But one thing we do know is that the World Economy is more than likely going to get worse before it gets better.
We still have major problems in Europe, with countries such as Greece still trying to find ways to solve their debt problems and places like China expected to reduce its spending on infrastructure over the next few years.
So what does this all mean for the average person on the street? Well while all governments are so concerned about their rising debt figures, there will be an obvious decline in government spending.
So if you are involved in any industry that requires some type of government funding, then you can most probably expect things to get worse for you.
A reduction in government funding usually means a cut to services and ultimately a reduction in the workforce.
So if you work in one of these areas, you do need to be just a little worried.
The reduction in spending by governments also has an impact on major areas such as Health and Education.
Obviously this will make it harder to be able to receive medical care in hospitals when you require it and also has a major influence on the quality of education that can be provided to your children.
With less money to spend, all services in these major areas will end up being reduced and create an even bigger strain on already ailing systems.
These are the unfortunate facts of the way the Global Economy is situated at the moment.
Then of course you look at what will happen in the private sector.
Large companies are concerned about profits, they say it is for their 'shareholders', but really we know that it is for the CEO's bonuses.
If the company reaches targets set in the CEO's contract for the amount of profit generated, then the CEO can expect to get a nice obscene bonus amount added on top of the already ridiculous salary they are receiving.
So how do they go about reaching these profit targets? Well the mentality of a lot of companies is to do it by reductions in spending.
Normally the first area to be hit is the wages bill for staff.
Now this does not mean that they come to the staff and ask them to take a pay cut, no, it means they normally will come and say 'we will be reducing staff numbers'.
So those who are 'lucky' enough to still have a job, end up being required to increase productivity even though staff numbers have been reduced.
Unemployment all around the world is tipped to rise over the coming year, but nobody really knows by just how much.
So will you be will of the lucky ones that gets to keep your job? Or will you end up joining the many people looking for work in a market with reduced opportunities? What will you do if you do end up losing your job? Fortunately these days there are other ways to be able to earn income, so your standard of living could even rise if you take the opportunity to position yourself before the cuts come in at your workplace.
Many people these days are generating remarkable incomes utilising the opportunities put in place by access to the internet.
Why not join them now and position your family for future success? Just imagine what it would be like to have total control over your life and not have to worry anymore about what governments and big businesses decide to do.
Imagine the freedom of knowing that no matter what the global economic situation is, your family is well situated to be able to deal with whatever happens.
Starting your own home based business can be the most beneficial decision you will ever make.
Now not everybody is successful, we already know that, but you can be if you set your mind to it, find the right opportunity for you and then put some effort in to do the work required.
It can also be very satisfying knowing that you have successfully built up your own business to a point where other outside influences have a very minimal effect on your lifestyle.
Imagine the pleasure you could have in being able to decide for yourself what you do with each minute of everyday and not have to clock in and trade time for money for your boss.
These are just some of the rewards of having your own successful home based business.
To your success, Leigh Leishman
But one thing we do know is that the World Economy is more than likely going to get worse before it gets better.
We still have major problems in Europe, with countries such as Greece still trying to find ways to solve their debt problems and places like China expected to reduce its spending on infrastructure over the next few years.
So what does this all mean for the average person on the street? Well while all governments are so concerned about their rising debt figures, there will be an obvious decline in government spending.
So if you are involved in any industry that requires some type of government funding, then you can most probably expect things to get worse for you.
A reduction in government funding usually means a cut to services and ultimately a reduction in the workforce.
So if you work in one of these areas, you do need to be just a little worried.
The reduction in spending by governments also has an impact on major areas such as Health and Education.
Obviously this will make it harder to be able to receive medical care in hospitals when you require it and also has a major influence on the quality of education that can be provided to your children.
With less money to spend, all services in these major areas will end up being reduced and create an even bigger strain on already ailing systems.
These are the unfortunate facts of the way the Global Economy is situated at the moment.
Then of course you look at what will happen in the private sector.
Large companies are concerned about profits, they say it is for their 'shareholders', but really we know that it is for the CEO's bonuses.
If the company reaches targets set in the CEO's contract for the amount of profit generated, then the CEO can expect to get a nice obscene bonus amount added on top of the already ridiculous salary they are receiving.
So how do they go about reaching these profit targets? Well the mentality of a lot of companies is to do it by reductions in spending.
Normally the first area to be hit is the wages bill for staff.
Now this does not mean that they come to the staff and ask them to take a pay cut, no, it means they normally will come and say 'we will be reducing staff numbers'.
So those who are 'lucky' enough to still have a job, end up being required to increase productivity even though staff numbers have been reduced.
Unemployment all around the world is tipped to rise over the coming year, but nobody really knows by just how much.
So will you be will of the lucky ones that gets to keep your job? Or will you end up joining the many people looking for work in a market with reduced opportunities? What will you do if you do end up losing your job? Fortunately these days there are other ways to be able to earn income, so your standard of living could even rise if you take the opportunity to position yourself before the cuts come in at your workplace.
Many people these days are generating remarkable incomes utilising the opportunities put in place by access to the internet.
Why not join them now and position your family for future success? Just imagine what it would be like to have total control over your life and not have to worry anymore about what governments and big businesses decide to do.
Imagine the freedom of knowing that no matter what the global economic situation is, your family is well situated to be able to deal with whatever happens.
Starting your own home based business can be the most beneficial decision you will ever make.
Now not everybody is successful, we already know that, but you can be if you set your mind to it, find the right opportunity for you and then put some effort in to do the work required.
It can also be very satisfying knowing that you have successfully built up your own business to a point where other outside influences have a very minimal effect on your lifestyle.
Imagine the pleasure you could have in being able to decide for yourself what you do with each minute of everyday and not have to clock in and trade time for money for your boss.
These are just some of the rewards of having your own successful home based business.
To your success, Leigh Leishman