Dealing With Male Pattern Baldness Gracefully
Male pattern baldness can be unsettling.
You wake up one morning and look in the mirror, and you've changed.
For some, the hair is a major part of one's self image, one's identity, and seeing it gone is like losing an arm.
There are several methods of dealing with male pattern baldness, and none is any more or less valid than another.
It all depends on what's right for you.
Minoxidil If you want to grow your hair back, Minoxidil based shampoos will do the trick.
Depending on the stage of baldness you're in, it may take some time to see results, but it will generally work nine times out of ten.
This stuff was developed as a high blood pressure treatment, but the side effect of excessive hair growth turned out to work out for the better when applied topically.
This is best applied when you catch balding early on.
Shaving Your Head Shaving your head is a darn sight better than the comb over.
The thing about shaving your head is that you've got to be bald and proud.
Okay, I'm bald, so what? Might as well finish the job, right? Many men choose this as a graceful way to bald and just get it over and done with.
The downside is that you have to commit to just plain not having hair on your head anymore, but the upside is that bald is sexy these days.
Acceptance Some people don't mind the bald look.
If you don't want to bother with shampoos or a new hair style, just enjoy being bald for what it is.
Heck, at the very least, it makes you look intelligent and wise with age, so there's always that to fall back on.
It'd be nice to keep your hair, but if you don't want to bother with shampoos and so on, you can just accept your new look for what it is and not let it get to you.
There are more ways than these to deal with baldness, these are just the three most common reactions men have.
There's always the toupee, which is hard to pull off, while others prefer to just wear their favorite hat everywhere they go.
Again, no one method is any better than the next.
What it comes down to is this: You've got to do what you're comfortable with.
If that means something more drastic like hair implants, that's your business, not anyone else's.
It's your scalp, it's your hair, so do what you want with it until you feel comfortable with the way you look.
You wake up one morning and look in the mirror, and you've changed.
For some, the hair is a major part of one's self image, one's identity, and seeing it gone is like losing an arm.
There are several methods of dealing with male pattern baldness, and none is any more or less valid than another.
It all depends on what's right for you.
Minoxidil If you want to grow your hair back, Minoxidil based shampoos will do the trick.
Depending on the stage of baldness you're in, it may take some time to see results, but it will generally work nine times out of ten.
This stuff was developed as a high blood pressure treatment, but the side effect of excessive hair growth turned out to work out for the better when applied topically.
This is best applied when you catch balding early on.
Shaving Your Head Shaving your head is a darn sight better than the comb over.
The thing about shaving your head is that you've got to be bald and proud.
Okay, I'm bald, so what? Might as well finish the job, right? Many men choose this as a graceful way to bald and just get it over and done with.
The downside is that you have to commit to just plain not having hair on your head anymore, but the upside is that bald is sexy these days.
Acceptance Some people don't mind the bald look.
If you don't want to bother with shampoos or a new hair style, just enjoy being bald for what it is.
Heck, at the very least, it makes you look intelligent and wise with age, so there's always that to fall back on.
It'd be nice to keep your hair, but if you don't want to bother with shampoos and so on, you can just accept your new look for what it is and not let it get to you.
There are more ways than these to deal with baldness, these are just the three most common reactions men have.
There's always the toupee, which is hard to pull off, while others prefer to just wear their favorite hat everywhere they go.
Again, no one method is any better than the next.
What it comes down to is this: You've got to do what you're comfortable with.
If that means something more drastic like hair implants, that's your business, not anyone else's.
It's your scalp, it's your hair, so do what you want with it until you feel comfortable with the way you look.