Health & Medical Anxiety

How to Beat Anxiety and Get on With Your Life

Anxiety in its severe forms is a condition that does not facilitate life.
However, there are anxieties that can be overcome using some simple steps.
Most sufferers do not believe this.
Their condition is the worst thing and nobody else has ever proven it.
This is because many sufferers are completely taken by their anxiety.
They cannot understand that there are other people who might be in the same boat.
I have seen this many times.
How do you explain this to a person who sees only herself or himself? I remember one woman who always said: "I do not even wish my enemies to suffer how I do".
I tried to explain to her that she was not the only person who suffered from anxiety.
She looked at me as if I descended from a tree.
"Do you really think that somebody has ever tried what it means to suffer like I do? " I told her that there are millions in the world who suffer in one way or tin another That anxiety is very wide spread.
And then I tried to tell her that there are many methods to control anxiety.
She said she needed something that would work very quick.
I proposed EFT to her.
She got rid of her primary anxiety but,unfortunately, she has a whole series of anxieties.
I have proposed it to many other people who then achieved good or even excellent results.
Some of them achieved permanent results and overcame anxiety completely.
A part from EFT, there are many other steps one can take.
Anxiety is frightening when it creeps up, but it can be beatenbyitself.
Watch it.
Pretend to be outside of the anxiety and outside of yourself.
Watch it as if you were another person.
You then see anxiety appear and you see itslowly leaveits place.
Once you have understood its mechanism, youwill be able to beat it.
Anxiety is a natural companion that has its place in everybody's life as long as it does not become overwhelming.
There are situations in which a slight anxiety can even help you to notcommit errors.
If you give anxiety its small place and accept it, you can live a life full of pleasure and joy.
You then know that you will always be in control of your anxiety and of your life.

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