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How to Convert a String to a File in Java

    • 1). Open the Java Eclipse software from the Windows menu and open your Java project to load the source code files. Double-click the source code file you want to use to perform the file function.

    • 2). Create the string variable you want to convert, if you do not already have a string you want to use. The following code shows you how to create a string in Java:

      string fileinput = "c:\file.txt";

      Replace "file.txt" with your own file path.

    • 3). Convert the string to a file handler. The following code uses the input string to open and convert to a file handler that points to the file specified in the string:

      BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileinput));

    • 4). Close the file after you complete the process. After you read and open the file, you must close it to release the computer's resources. The following code closes the file:


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