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How to Flirt With Women - Flirting Tips That Will Help You Get the Girl

If you suck at flirting with a woman and you don't have the looks of some cover model kind of guy, then the reality is... you are not going to do that well with women. It would be nice if that were not true, but you know what? That IS the way that it is. You have to know how to flirt with women if you want to have a chance of being the guy who gets the girl. Too many guys end up falling short of being able to flirt effectively with a woman, and it is the reason why their love life stinks.

There are lots of tips on how to flirt with women that you can find, but not all of them are created equal. There are some that are so generic and so blah, that the most they will do is make you seem like a nice guy, but not the kind of guy a woman thinks about dating. Which kind of guy do YOU want to be?

Here are a few flirting tips on how to flirt with women that will help you get the girl:

1. If you are flirting with a woman, you want to make eye contact, but not stare her down.

Sometimes, when the mood is just right, a sexy stare down with a woman can be a good thing. In most situations, though, you want to look, but not too much. Give her that awareness that you are checking her out, and that you are not going to shy away from it, but don't linger for too long.

2. You want to make her laugh with you, but not in a really foolish way.

There are exceptions to this, but the more she laughs with you, the more likely it is that she is going to like you. And if she is laughing with you not because you are acting like a clown, but because she really feels that connection with you, then that is a really good sign for you.

3. When you flirt with a woman, you don't want to make it out to be more than it is.

Flirting can be a big deal, but if you make it seem more serious than it really is, I can guarantee you that you are going to feel unwanted pressure. When you feel that kind of pressure, it NEVER goes well. Just be light about it, and realize that as long as you don't feel much pressure, she probably does not either.

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