Cars & Vehicles Trucks

How To Maintain Your Tow Truck

Whether it is a Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge or whichever make of truck you may have the attachment increases every time you drive the truck. Your truck has come to be like part of the family over the many years. The attachment may be more if you use your truck for business purposes. It is therefore a big part of your survival and you would definitely not want anything to happen to the truck. For that reason, you need take care and maintain your truck for as long as possible.
There are four different things your can do from time to time to ensure a long life for your truck. These things are:

1.Regularly check your oil

2.Rotating your tires

3.Checking the fluids

4.Changing the transmission fluids

1.Regularly check the oil

This is probably the best way to ensure your trucks long life. Although trucks vary from manufacturer to manufacturer it is a safe bet if you change your oil every two to three thousand miles. If you use your truck as a delivery vehicle, then you spend most of your time in traffic than a normal vehicle does. This will therefore use up the oil faster. If you check and regularly change the oil with a good grade of motor oil, then you will save your truck a lot of wear and tear.

2.Rotate the Tires

Just as you normally turn your mattress, tires must be rotated on a regular basis. This helps insure even wear of the tires. If left for a long period of time on the same side, the tires will become weak. Having them regularly rotated also gives the mechanic a chance to check for any abnormal wear at the brakes and brake lines.

Additionally, the pressure of the tires must be checked on a weekly basis. The right tire pressure ensures a stable and smooth ride. A tire with low pressure will generate more heat thus wearing out faster. Hence if you tow a load and the tire pressure is low, the tow truck will be less stable. The tires will lose pressure and you do not want to be stuck with a flat tire or even worse, have an accident. You must therefore check the tires on a regular basis.

3.Check the fluids

These are the engine fluids and coolants. They must be checked on a regular basis especially if your truck delivers. This is because the engine will run warmer than cars/trucks that only run on highways leading to depletion of radiator coolants due to the added strain to the automatic transmission. It is therefore very wise to check these fluid levels more than normal.

4.Change the transmission fluids

If you own a tow truck that haul loads regularly, then the transmissions and rear ends will break down faster than a normal truck. To ensure that this doesn"t happen, have the transmission fluid and filter changed in half the time of a normal vehicle which is about 25,000 miles. The same goes for the rear end.

If you pursue these simple steps regularly, then your truck should last you a long time. The most important thing to take away is check, change and rotate in half the time you would a regular car. A truck is a great vehicle that is strong and durable. So aside from having the adequate towing accessories, you must remember the truck also needs regular tender loving care. Follow this four simple steps and I assure your truck a long and fulfilling life.

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