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Using Water For Gas to Run Your Car Has Many Benefits

As the gas prices have increased and there is nothing on the horizon to say they will drop back any time soon, people have been looking at ways to use less gas.
One way that is becoming very popular is to convert a car to use the technology that has been available for quite some time, and that is to use water for gas.
You will see the many advantages to using this method, listed below are the top benefits.
A Cleaner Exhaust System As water is renewable and natural, emissions from a car's exhaust using water for gas are not a hazard to the environment like those from a car using gas.
This is how the system works, there is a little electricity used from the car's battery to separate the water into what is called HHO, this is also known as Hydroxy or two hydrogen and one oxygen and burns very well, so gives plenty of energy.
Now the hydrogen is used with the fuel to power the car and the oxygen is released as exhaust.
So you get a cleaner exhaust, cleaner for the environment and we are all wanting that.
Improve The Life Of Your Engine As with all vehicle engines, there are many moving parts and these components like rings, bearings and pistons have a better performance when in contact with water.
These parts are kept cooler as the water, being a solvent, takes away additional heat so their life expectancy is prolonged.
Carbon deposits are lower too because of the use of water, this in turn lowers the combustion of the engine, and that's also a good thing.
Quieter Engine.
The noise of the engine is proportional to the engine temperature, lower the temperature of a running motor, lower the motor noise.
By using water as gas, to fuel the engine, the water acts as a coolant.
The operating temperature of the car is lowered, the noise level decreases.
The result, a quieter running motor and smoother gearshifts.
Better Mileage.
Cars that have been tested with the device to allow this technology, that is using water for gas, to improve the performance of the vehicle, have experienced between 40% and 60% improvement in mileage.
With the increased gas prices that is a huge saving, about two thousand dollars a year and with gas prices going up and not down, that will be a bigger saving in the near future.
Water Requirements Because of the way this system uses water, you can drive for several months before needing to refill.
You can get approximately two thousand gallons of combustible gas from one jar of water.
You can see how, if every vehicle converted to this technology what a saving it would be in more ways than one, better and cleaner exhaust systems, more money in our pockets and the US not having to rely on foreign nations for oil So you can see using water for gas is a win-win situation all round.

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