Top Exercises to Build Back Muscle
The muscles of the back are often forgotten in strength training programs but exercises to build back muscle are very important to the development of your overall physique.
Often we give to much attention to the muscles on the front of the body because that's what people notice more but these muscles give support to the shoulder joint allowing you to lift more weight on your other upper body movements helping to develop these muscles further with proper balance.
Another advantage to build back muscle is the shape it provides you with for men creating the classic V shape gives a perfect frame to the muscles of the front and helps keep your posture strong.
To build back muscle I like to use large multi joint exercises to help move more weight through the joint helping to create more size from the muscle.
It is also important to remember when you build back muscle that the muscles of the back work in both a horizontal pulling and vertical pulling motion.
As with the opposite movements horizontal push and vertical push these pulling movements need to be trained in proportion to their opposite movements.
These things always need to be considered when creating your program, or you can use a professionally designed program, see the link at the bottom.
The following are my top exercises to build back muscle: Chin ups An old school strength exercise not for beginners, the chin up if done correctly is a highly effective exercise to build back muscle.
Chin ups can be done in a wide or narrow grip variation, for those of you who are not sure with how it is done, chin ups are performed by lifting your chest up to a bar ensuring minimal movement from the rest of your body.
If you have not done a chin up before I suggest you get someone to show you how first and you should have reasonably strong shoulders.
Dead Row Using a barbell a dead row is a fantastic exercise to build back muscle.
The dead row is started by griping a bar at about shoulder width keeping you back straight at all times with your core muscles supporting your back, lift the bar into a dead lift position and hold.
This gets you into the starting position where you now pull the bar into your hip using the muscles of your back as the prime movers.
Once again if you're not sure how to do these exercises please ask someone who knows the correct technique as they are both serious exercises but are highly effective to build back muscle.
Often we give to much attention to the muscles on the front of the body because that's what people notice more but these muscles give support to the shoulder joint allowing you to lift more weight on your other upper body movements helping to develop these muscles further with proper balance.
Another advantage to build back muscle is the shape it provides you with for men creating the classic V shape gives a perfect frame to the muscles of the front and helps keep your posture strong.
To build back muscle I like to use large multi joint exercises to help move more weight through the joint helping to create more size from the muscle.
It is also important to remember when you build back muscle that the muscles of the back work in both a horizontal pulling and vertical pulling motion.
As with the opposite movements horizontal push and vertical push these pulling movements need to be trained in proportion to their opposite movements.
These things always need to be considered when creating your program, or you can use a professionally designed program, see the link at the bottom.
The following are my top exercises to build back muscle: Chin ups An old school strength exercise not for beginners, the chin up if done correctly is a highly effective exercise to build back muscle.
Chin ups can be done in a wide or narrow grip variation, for those of you who are not sure with how it is done, chin ups are performed by lifting your chest up to a bar ensuring minimal movement from the rest of your body.
If you have not done a chin up before I suggest you get someone to show you how first and you should have reasonably strong shoulders.
Dead Row Using a barbell a dead row is a fantastic exercise to build back muscle.
The dead row is started by griping a bar at about shoulder width keeping you back straight at all times with your core muscles supporting your back, lift the bar into a dead lift position and hold.
This gets you into the starting position where you now pull the bar into your hip using the muscles of your back as the prime movers.
Once again if you're not sure how to do these exercises please ask someone who knows the correct technique as they are both serious exercises but are highly effective to build back muscle.