Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Pain - Ayurvedic Concept

According to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian Holistic medical system 'Health is happiness and disease is Pain' and it understands pain as a problem in vayu (air, one of the personality types according to ayurveda), which deals with the nervous system and any pain on the body is referred as Roga.
Site of Pain (Vedana) areMind (manas) and Body along with sense organs.
a) Causative factors of any pain are : 1.
Asatmendriyarth samyoga -.
It includes excessive utilization or wrong Utilization of objects of senses like vision, Sound, smell, taste and touch) Agni is responsible for proper appetite and digestion of food.
Anything in excess(activity, diet, exercise etc) cause derangement in jatharagni (appetite).
It is unable to digest the food.
Hence undigested in the stomach and gets infected by doshas.
This is Aama.
This aama gets fermented producing toxins and thus acts as a poison for the body.
Prajnaaparadha- Misdeeds performed by an individual as a result of wrong decision taken by the mind 3.
Parinama (kala) - Any unfavourable changes in weather and time b) Classification of Painare : 1.
Nija Agantuja - Caused solely due to derangement ofphysiological disturbances 2.
Sharirik Manasik - Physiological disturbance&Psychological imbalance c) Paincaused solely due to derangement of three humors : 1.
Vataj Vikara - Caused due to derangement of Vata dosha 2.
Pittaj Vikara - caused due to derangement of Pitta dosha 3.
Kaphaj Vikara - Caused due to derangement of Kapha dosha Contrary to all indications, there is a positive side to pain.
It is the body's riot alarm.
Without its warning signals, we would succumb to the mildest of maladies.
Ayurveda imparts knowledge on individual constitution of our body and use of various herbs, minerals,proper diet, exercises, Panch Karma and Yoga therapy to treat pain and promote good health, treat pain and acquire longevity.

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