Health & Medical Self-Improvement

What would you do if you knew you wouldn"t be judged?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, "what would you do if you knew you wouldn't be judged for it?" Many of us struggle with being accepted by others. Many of us live in fear of being judged for our actions. What will others think of me if I do this or that?

Maybe it's time for us to realize how special we are as people and start doing the things we want to do because we believe it is right to do them and they bring us pleasure. Can you imagine how free you would feel if you performed your actions for you instead of for other people? A whole new world of freedom would open up to you. You would see a new sense of peace and vitality come into your soul and mind. The freedom to make choices and decisions because you believe they are right and good for you and by result, good for others.

If you have peace and joy in your mind and soul it is easier for you to share that with others and pass it on to them. If you are full of guilt and shame and fear of rejection then you are limiting yourself and it is hard for you to bless others and share joy with them. Take care of yourself and you will be far more equipped to take care of others.

If you have ever flown in a commercial airplane you will have gone through the safety drill. The steward will tell you that in case the plane loses pressure a mask will fall down from the panel above your head. He will strongly encourage you to put your own mask on first before you help anyone else put theirs on. Isn't that selfish? No, if you try to help someone else first you could both lose consciousness while the cabin is losing pressure. By you putting your own mask on first you are then free and clear-headed enough to help your spouse, children or fellow passengers with their masks.

It is the same with all aspects of your life. If you take care of your inner self first and you have confidence and joy and peace you are much better equipped to help others around you. Taking care of your own heart and mind and soul will make you a better person, mother, father, husband, wife, and all-round person.
Don't rob yourself of all the life you are entitled do. Start to realize you are special, you are important, and you are unique. Be true to yourself and live for what you believe in, not for what others want you to believe in. Start today. You will be a happier person.

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