Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Video: Supported tricep Extension Exercise for Senior Health & Fitness

Video Transcript

The next thing I¡¯m going to show you is a supported tricep extension. You can do this with or without your hand weight. I want you to go ahead and come up to standing and if you¡¯re near a chair, go ahead and place your hand on the chair. The foot closest to the chair is going to come forward; the foot away from the chair is going to come back. So you¡¯re going to balance yourself right here, bring that arm up by your side and exhale ¨C push straight back, inhale ¨C come in. good, exhale press, inhale come in. so you¡¯re going to keep that arm right up by your side and exhale. Keep your head-neck-and back in one line and make sure you support yourself with that chair. Inhale and exhale. Perfect and exhale. Let¡¯s try to get 12 to 15 of these, and exhale. Make sure your abs are tight and of course you¡¯re going to switch to the opposite side, very good. Perfect, take your time, go really slow.

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