Health & Medical Lose Weight

The Quickest Way to Lose Weight: 4 Tips to Lose 5-10 Pounds in a Week!

When it comes to weight loss, some days may pose challenges and other days are a cinch.
The trick is to remember that this is a healthy decision you have made for the long-term and nobody said it was going to be easy! I also know that sometimes we are just not seeing results fast enough.
We know we want to lose weight and we want it to have come off yesterday.
Although patience is sometimes the name of the game, I do have some great tips for you today that may help you speed up your fat loss process and shed a quick 5-10 pounds off your body pretty easily.
The following 4 fat loss tips are little secrets I share with my subscribers when they just need a good metabolism boost.
You do not need to eat this way forever.
It's really just a good way to get your metabolism jump started for some faster fat loss.
You can keep this strategy in your fat loss tool box and use it in 1 week increments at a time whenever you feel the need to shed off some extra weight a bit faster.
Although these methods will help you see the pounds fall off quickly, please don't think they are unhealthy or extreme in any way.
They are actually some of the healthiest tips you can implement right now with the extra-added benefit of accelerated fat burning.
I encourage you to follow them exactly as written for the next 7 days and see how your body responds (I promise, the results will be great.
) 1.
Eliminate the most dangerous "white" foods from your daily meal plans.
These foods include things like white pasta, bread, crackers, cereals, pasteurised milk, cheese, and sugar.
Right about now you might be thinking, "Geez Alison, what's left?" Base your meal plans around healthy natural proteins (refer to your protein chart) along with fruits and vegetables, natural grains like brown rice and healthy oils like olive oil and coconut oil and you will see fat fall off your body faster than you can spell F A T.
Eliminate dairy.
Yes, this does fall under Tip #1 but because there are so many dairy foods available to us it deserves a special mention.
Unless you have access to raw dairy, eliminate all foods that fit into the dairy category for just 2 weeks.
This also includes yoghurt and cottage cheese (but does not include butter and eggs which are both still allowed).
No, I am not saying that yoghurt and cottage cheese are not healthy, by any means.
I just know when people give their bodies a break from digesting dairy for a short period of time the body does burn fat much faster.
It also, very often, helps to alleviate gastrointestinal distress and any bloating you may be experiencing.
You can get your calcium from green leafy vegetables during this time (the best source of calcium in my opinion) and then bring healthy dairy foods like yoghurt, cottage cheese, organic milk and cheese back after your 7-day trial period.
Only drink water, green, black, white or herbal tea during this time.
If you are really attached to your morning coffee, limit yourself to one cup of black organic coffee in the morning.
You can sweeten it with natural options like stevia, xylitol or agave syrup but definitely skip the cream or milk.
Make sure to drink tons of water during this time to aid your body in getting rid of the fat it is so aggressively burning off.
Last but definitely not least, avoid all foods and products that contain "wheat" in the ingredients list.
As I always say "If it begins with W and ends with T and has h-e-a in the middle, its got to go.
" This includes all varieties of bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, most packaged foods and packaged snacks.
I know this one may seem like it is a bit of a challenge but the bottom line is, it works! Even whole wheat products should be eliminated during this 7 day period.
Many people don't realize that their bodies may have a hard time digesting wheat and could be one of the #1 reasons they are not seeing the kind of fat loss results they've been looking for.
Just give it a fair chance and see how your body responds.
Remember, I am not recommending you eat this way for the rest of your life.
Just for a short time to get your metabolic fire burning and to encourage some extra fat loss in your body.
I really want to see you get the body you deserve and I know these tips will accelerate your weight loss efforts and help you get there.
Are you willing to give it a shot? I know you'll be glad you did.

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