Still Losing Hair?
Two years ago I celebrated my 30th birthday.
I was strong, in shape and still playing ball in my flag football league.
Things were good.
That's until I noticed small patches of hair missing from the top of my head.
Not only that, my hair line had started to recede.
I tried lots of over the counter shampoos and stuff but none of it worked.
Sure my head was tingling from using this or that, but, I needed growth.
I had no idea why I was starting to bald...
My pops is 62 and he's got a full head of hair.
My hair loss was baffling.
I finally decided to visit my doc, but, that was a waste.
I ended up paying for the visit, plus, that expensive no good-prescription for row...
Anyway, he also explained to me the two main causes of hair loss.
00, that's what it costed me in the end.
So here's $97.
00 worth of my doctors visit, and it's Free.
Below are the two main causes - causing hair to thin and hair receding at the forehead, crown and temple for men and thins over the entire scalp for women.
Getting older Human aging is the biological process that is unavoidable, but controllable with healthy diet with complex carbohydrates, green foods, garlic, onion, water and juices that will help to decrease the aging process in some degree.
It also helps to reduce the amount of DHT produced in our body, result in postponing hair loss to our scalp.
It's passed down Simply put; heredity.
It is passed down from generation to generation.
Genetic hair loss appears predominately in men, but may also appear in a few select women.
I was strong, in shape and still playing ball in my flag football league.
Things were good.
That's until I noticed small patches of hair missing from the top of my head.
Not only that, my hair line had started to recede.
I tried lots of over the counter shampoos and stuff but none of it worked.
Sure my head was tingling from using this or that, but, I needed growth.
I had no idea why I was starting to bald...
My pops is 62 and he's got a full head of hair.
My hair loss was baffling.
I finally decided to visit my doc, but, that was a waste.
I ended up paying for the visit, plus, that expensive no good-prescription for row...
Anyway, he also explained to me the two main causes of hair loss.
00, that's what it costed me in the end.
So here's $97.
00 worth of my doctors visit, and it's Free.
Below are the two main causes - causing hair to thin and hair receding at the forehead, crown and temple for men and thins over the entire scalp for women.
Getting older Human aging is the biological process that is unavoidable, but controllable with healthy diet with complex carbohydrates, green foods, garlic, onion, water and juices that will help to decrease the aging process in some degree.
It also helps to reduce the amount of DHT produced in our body, result in postponing hair loss to our scalp.
It's passed down Simply put; heredity.
It is passed down from generation to generation.
Genetic hair loss appears predominately in men, but may also appear in a few select women.