Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Can We REALLY Create Our Own Reality?

In personal growth circles it is often said we can create our own reality - however how easy is it to create a reality that you WANT? Is it easy, or is it pie in the sky stuff.
I certainly believed it was possible.
After all I wanted it to be so - if I could change my life and become wealthy, healthy and have the love of my life then why the heck would I not subscribe to this principal.
I hooked into the concept with delighted abandon.
I read everything I could find on the subject I gleefully repeated positive affirmations 100 times a day.
I did it whilst driving - I did it whilst watching TV in between commercials.
And you know what apart from some small successes the major stuff that I wanted seemed to run a mile in the other direction.
I wondered if it was just me, that somehow I was responsible (after all the concept is that I create everything in my life) so I had to be the one responsible didn't I.
I spent some time beating up on myself.
I hid away from people because I was so sure that there blazoned on my forehead was looser...
look she can't create the life she wants so she is a looser...
and guess what...
in that state I had moved from thinking, believing and actioning positive actions to make the things I wanted out of life a reality.
I had begun to focus on what I did not want.
Oh my how easy it was to fall into that trap.
Okay so now I get it - I was spending more time focusing on what I did not want...
the big questions was...
just how could I get my mind to stop re-hashing over old stuff that didn't work? We have over 60,000 thought forms a day and most are not of the positive nature - this was a nightmare of huge proportions.
Did this mean that no matter how many positive affirmations, actions etc I took that I was doomed from the start - simply because of the dark stuff that happened in my life kept my thoughts focused on the negatives? I realised that what I needed was something that would BREAK the cycle of my thinking, but how? Have you ever tried to stop thinking about something that has got under you skin.
Especially if someone has done something to you that hurt? This was a major clue.
If something that hurt you was keeping your thoughts on the negatives instead of the fun stuff - then this is where you start.
You clear the wound! You heal whatever it was that hurt you.
If you no longer feel hurt or haunted by something that happened in your past then you have thought space to think about something good right? Now consider that a hurt is an emotion and emotion is energy...
therefore if you work with the energy of the issue then you are transforming it.
Simple! This is where I started when I created the Living Brilliantly program which releases emotional stress in minutes, by transforming the energy behind the pain/wound/belief pattern.
When you work with this program on a regular basis it begins to clear out the storehouse of these unresolved issues that have kept your thoughts in lack.
Is this good news or what.
It is! A simple fast process that takes 4 minutes a day can change your life in so many positive ways.
And it did for me.
I was able to change my life so it was fun again and more importantly be in the right place at the right time for my work to be noticed.
Writing Spirit UnPlugged was the key that turned for me.
Each person will have their own trigger, the moment they BREAK OUT of their old ways and open the doors to a new and more positive life.
The key, I believe is use the Living Brilliantly Program to clear whatever is up...
then spend time in silence so you can hear what steps you need to take to create Inspired Action.
Have a great day

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