Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Cat Care Tips - Causes of Cat Spraying

When your cat urinates on objects in your house, this is known as spraying.
It is common for cats that are kept inside of your home.
Luckily, this problem can be easily rectified.
Spraying is a problem associated with your cats marking habits, not his litter box.
Cat urine contains pheromones.
Pheromones is a substance that cats and other animals use for communicating with each other.
Pheromones are used to identify the cat to other animals, much like a fingerprint with people.
When a cat urinates on something, he is marking his territory by spraying.
While this is annoying, getting upset with your feline will not solve the problem.
In fact, raising your voice could result in your cat increasing his spraying in your home.
To solve the spraying problem, you need to understand why they do it.
Cats that spray are often in heat.
When the cat sprays, he is sending out a message to other cats that he is ready to mate.
More times than not, when your cat sprays, it is a sign that kittens are soon on their way.
Sometimes cats will spray when they feel stress.
If you notice spraying inside of your house, you should take action right away.
Having your cat neutered or spayed, depending on the sex of your cat, is the most easiest and effective way to stop spraying.
There are other options available to stop spraying if you don't want to have surgery for your cat.
In this case, you should consult with your vet for advice and assistance for eliminating this problem.
With the advancement of animal medical science, their are alternative remedies to spraying that don't require any type of invasive procedures.

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