Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat - Two More Simple Rules

Rule Number 3:Don't give up carbohydrates but switch to good carbohydrates In the previous article we discussed the importance of carbohydrate intake and that carbohydrates are actually not the culprits of stomach fat.
 The human body is an amazing organism that it turns carbohydrates to energy via producing its own insulin hormones.
On the other hand if eaten excessively, the carbohydrates shall trigger too much insulin generation.
Too much insulin shall result in slower body metabolism and reduce the body's fat burning capability.
The end result in this process shall be storing more fat in the stomach.
In order to stop the excessive insulin generation, the human body needs good carbohydrates or slow releasing carbohydrates, such as oats, brown rice and sweet potatoes.
Rule Number 4:Reduce the amount of alcohol consumption It is no wonder the fat around the stomach area is called the beer gut.
The science actually explains that there is substantial amount of calories stored in a one shot of any type of alcoholic drink.
However, since there are no nutrients alongside the calories, they are regarded as false or empty calories that do not agree with the human body.
So in return, all calories obtained from alcohol shall be transformed to fat and stored directly around the waist.
Particularly, people who has a slim feature but with a gut sticking out are the people who possibly suffer from this type of fat.
  A Nutrition System with a supporting exercise regime is a good solution to get rid of stomach fat.
Read healthy eating tips, reviews and learn about these nutrition systems on NaturalFatLossDiets.
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