Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Managing Your Pain With Zero Point Energy

Pain is not fun especially if it goes on for hours, days and months.
The side effects from medication taken for the pain, must also be managed.
Either way, it can be a rough ride.
One of the interesting phenomena occurring in recent years is the zero point energy wand phenomena.
One of the things that Iyashi zero point energy wand does best is reduce and eliminate pain.
I was surprised to see and hear the amazing results experienced by people using these zero point energy wands.
The zero-point phenomenon is based on the term phase-locking which is the interconnectedness of all thing.
Everything is connected to everything else and is locked together.
Since your body is a collection of different types of cells they all need to be connected to every other cell to function the way that they should and to function wholistically.
Scientists aren't sure of the mechanism whereby cells or groups of cells lose their connection to the body, but they know it happens, they have measured it.
The result is pain and the severity of the pain will determine how serious the energy blockage resulting from the unlocking is.
Even if you bang your thumb with a hammer and the pain is temporary, there is still a disconnect.
Sometimes the body can figure out how to re-establish the connection to the lost part and sometimes it needs help.
When the pain persists you could try wanding it with a good quality zero-point energy wand.
People are amazed and relieved when pain reduces and disappears by using a zero-point energy wand, but this type of product, when it is good quality, will restore the phase-locking and the pain simply disappears as a result.
Sometimes the wanding needs to be repeated a few times, but the results are worth it.
The first signs of a painful issue are usually warning pain.
You banged your thumb and now it hurts.
Something is wrong.
This type of pain is called nociceptive pain and is the easiest type of pain to get rid of with an Iyashi wand.
If bones are broken, they also tend to heal faster using this type of zero-point energy wand.
Long term pain can also be warning pain but it can also be caused by the a habit of a nerve to send a false signal.
This is not a warning pain it is a malfunction somewhere between the spinal cord and the brain.
This is called non-nociceptive pain and can also be reduced and eliminated by using and Iyashi wand but it is habitual so it takes longer to reduce and eliminate.
To get relief without side effects and possibly in less time than it takes medication to act is quite a feat.
Those misfortunate enough to experience chronic pain may find this type of product helpful in the battle to be pain free.
It is hard to explain how it works on pain suffice to say that it creates order on the atomic level where the fundamentals of energy exist and restores the phase-locking effect so vital to our existence.

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