Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Battery Charger for Spinal Cord Stimulators

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Updated March 15, 2015.

This is an example of a charger for an implantable pulse generator (IPG) system. If your spinal cord stimulator is rechargeable, you will periodically have to spend time recharging the battery, which is located inside the implanted device.

The amount of time it takes to charge the generator varies according to the brand and model, and age and condition of the device. (Generally, it's about 10 years).

The same is true for the amount of time the battery can hold a charge, i.e., how long you can go between charges. The older the battery, the more time charging takes, and the more often you will need to recharge.

To charge a neurostimulator battery, you hold the charger over the area where the device is implanted for a specified period of time.

If your stimulator is not a rechargeable IPG, you will need to have a simple surgery to get the battery changed.

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