Health & Medical Body building

The Three Things You Absolutely Must Do to Build Up Muscle

Just as a tree cannot grow with out sufficient water, sunlight and soil no matter what else you give it, to build up muscle your body also has several things that you absolutely must provide it with in order to grow.
No amount of fancy exercise equipment, supplement or outfit will allow you to grow muscle if you do not take the following essential steps: 1) Eat big.
Some people just don't seem to get this point! If you do indeed want to build up muscle mass then you will need to give your body a supply of excess calories for it to build up muscle out of.
If you are not taking on extra calories then your body has nothing to build up muscles with.
One method of making a habit of eating a lot is buy a set of large sized plates and dishes.
In this manner you constantly remind yourself each meal of your need for calories for muscle growth.
Breaking your meals down into 5-6 each day will allow you to take on board the calories more easily also.
2) Workout intensely.
Your muscles will not grow if you do not give them a reason to in the gym.
Give your muscle a reason to grow by working out hard for no longer than 45 minutes.
Stick to the time proven mass building exercises like: bench presses, deadlifts, shoulder presses, squats,.
These are the most efficient mass builders preferable over many others.
3) Consume plenty of water.
All of the muscle building reactions in the body require water just as your muscle need excess calories to support growth.
Your fluid intake will need to be higher because of your workouts.
Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go.
And of course just as you cannot expect a plant to grow if you throw harmful substances and so on on it there are several things you absolutely must not do in order to build up muscles 1) Do not over-train.
If you train too much you will decrease your muscles size and not increase it.
Why? Well, micro tears in the muscle actually occur after every intense workout.
It then builds itself back up bigger and stronger than previously over the next few days.
You are never going to get bigger if you do not allow your muscle to grow back and get bigger.
Quality rest is essential.
2) Do not stuff your body full of useless calories.
Sure you need to get a lot of calories on board to build muscle up but you need quality calories as well.
Food products such as these: eggs, fish, chicken, potatoes, leafy green vegetables, pasta, fruit, rice and so on should be a pretty average days food.
For muscle building these are all awesome.
3) Never ever give up.
The same thing does not work for everybody all the time.
If progress is not apparent then mix things up and experiment with different exercises, a different diet in fact do anything you can but never ever give up.
Focus on your goal and you can make it.
do not forget to enjoy the process of growing and being healthy, don't punish yourself for not turning into Arnie overnight it will take time, keep a training log to monitor your progress and for motivation.
So ask yourself honestly and sincerely if you really are adhering to these guidelines as best as you can.
If you are not then if you really want to build muscle up then wouldn't now be a good time to change?

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