How to Write Articles That Get Clicks to the Resource Box
Article marketing is one of the most used traffic generation tools by both expert internet marketers and rookies.
The idea here is simple; you provide your potential clients the kind of information they need by writing articles.
In exchange, you'll get the chance to earn their trust, showcase your expertise in your niche, build links for your website, and boost your traffic.
However, you need to keep in mind that in order to be a successful article marketer, you must learn and master the art of writing highly effective articles.
If your articles are compelling enough, your readers will click through your resource box.
Below are some tips on how you can make this happen: 1.
Get straight to the point.
Research suggests that average online users spend about 6-7 seconds on one article.
If they don't find it interesting or not worthy of their time, these people will close it in an instant and look for other articles that can give them exactly what they want.
You don't want this to happen.
So, ensure that your articles are to the point, concise, short, and very easy to understand.
Be smart.
People in general love reading articles that are witty and fun.
So, don't make yours boring by making them sound like entries from encyclopedia.
It's okay to use humor every now and then and if you showcase your in-depth knowledge by giving out your opinion on the topics that you're discussing.
The more intelligent you appear on your articles, the easier you'll be able to build a community of loyal followers.
Tell your readers what's your content is all about on your first paragraph.
You need to think of ways to ensure that your audience will not close your articles after reading a couple of sentences.
One of the best ways to do this is by giving them an idea on what they can expect to get.
Of course, you don't need to spill out the all the important information on this part.
What I'm saying is give these people a reason to be excited and make them want for more.
Put your readers at ease.
Before you tap on your keyboard, remind yourself that you're writing for online users and that you're not looking to get a literary award.
So, relax and make your content sound more laid back to give your audience great reading experience.
Use conversational tone, short sentences, and use humor.
Your readers will surely appreciate it.
Spill out the beans! This is something that will really help you get your audience to click through your resource box.
Make your articles stand out from the crowd by making them extremely informative and useful; make them speak volumes about your expertise and your commitment in bringing huge difference to the lives of your audience.
Tell these people what they can do to achieve this and that, offer expert tips and advice, and give them no nonsense, direct answers to their burning questions.
If you do all of this, they'll surely look for more and they'll visit your website to get what they want.
The idea here is simple; you provide your potential clients the kind of information they need by writing articles.
In exchange, you'll get the chance to earn their trust, showcase your expertise in your niche, build links for your website, and boost your traffic.
However, you need to keep in mind that in order to be a successful article marketer, you must learn and master the art of writing highly effective articles.
If your articles are compelling enough, your readers will click through your resource box.
Below are some tips on how you can make this happen: 1.
Get straight to the point.
Research suggests that average online users spend about 6-7 seconds on one article.
If they don't find it interesting or not worthy of their time, these people will close it in an instant and look for other articles that can give them exactly what they want.
You don't want this to happen.
So, ensure that your articles are to the point, concise, short, and very easy to understand.
Be smart.
People in general love reading articles that are witty and fun.
So, don't make yours boring by making them sound like entries from encyclopedia.
It's okay to use humor every now and then and if you showcase your in-depth knowledge by giving out your opinion on the topics that you're discussing.
The more intelligent you appear on your articles, the easier you'll be able to build a community of loyal followers.
Tell your readers what's your content is all about on your first paragraph.
You need to think of ways to ensure that your audience will not close your articles after reading a couple of sentences.
One of the best ways to do this is by giving them an idea on what they can expect to get.
Of course, you don't need to spill out the all the important information on this part.
What I'm saying is give these people a reason to be excited and make them want for more.
Put your readers at ease.
Before you tap on your keyboard, remind yourself that you're writing for online users and that you're not looking to get a literary award.
So, relax and make your content sound more laid back to give your audience great reading experience.
Use conversational tone, short sentences, and use humor.
Your readers will surely appreciate it.
Spill out the beans! This is something that will really help you get your audience to click through your resource box.
Make your articles stand out from the crowd by making them extremely informative and useful; make them speak volumes about your expertise and your commitment in bringing huge difference to the lives of your audience.
Tell these people what they can do to achieve this and that, offer expert tips and advice, and give them no nonsense, direct answers to their burning questions.
If you do all of this, they'll surely look for more and they'll visit your website to get what they want.