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The Top 5 Symptoms That Could Indicate Dehydration

Dehydration is a potentially serious condition that occurs when the body loses more water than it consumes.
There are many serious health complications that may arise if an individual does not address and/or treat dehydration.
These include, but are not at all limited to, injuries that are directly related to the heat, swelling in and/or around the brain, seizures, failure of the kidneys, and even coma.
Many individuals may even die as a result of dehydration.
The following represents the top 5 symptoms that could indicate dehydration: 1.
Most individuals suffer from dryness in the mouth.
Many will describe the sensation that they get in the mouth as sticky.
This occurs most frequently when the fluids are extremely low in the body.
This symptom may also be characterized by extreme thirst.
Many times this happens after exercise, but it can also occur in people that don't exercise.
It is common for a person that has dehydration to urinate less frequently than a person that is not hydrated.
I heard a saying once that you need to "pee your way to health".
Robert O.
Young said this and it is so correct.
Most people just don't drink enough water.
Many individuals suffer from symptoms that are directly related to the head.
It is not uncommon for a person to experience a moderate to severe headache.
Additionally, a sufferer may experience dizziness if they are suffering from dehydration.
Most people that suffer from moderate to severe bouts of dehydration find that they are weak.
This is because of the fact that this medical complication has a tendency to create weakness within the muscles of the body.
Fatigue is also a common symptom associated with dehydration.
Most individuals may find it difficult to engage in physical activities and others may have a challenging time even staying awake.
There are many procedures that may be performed for a person that is suffering from dehydration.
Without treatment, many serious medical conditions may occur.
This condition may even prove to be life threatening if not treated.
Dehydration can affect people of all ages and it's important that people know the warning signs.
It's important to understand that dehydration is even more dangerous for children who can die within a few days if not treated correctly.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Physical activities, especially those that are done in the sun or in a hot environment, can easily dehydrate the body.
Drinking water is one of the best things that you can do for yourself, make sure that you do it regularly.

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