Home & Garden Architecture

How to Replace a Pile Weather Strip on Sliding Glass Doors

    • 1). Remove the door from the track. Removal methods will differ based on the door, but generally you must remove a top retaining bar from the upper track. A screwdriver may be necessary. Tilt the door inward and lift the bottom of the door off the track. Lay the door flat after removal.

    • 2). Inspect the bottom edge of the door to determine how the old weatherstripping is. Weatherstripping is either slid into a track on one end of the door or pushed into the track from the side. Pop off the end caps on the track for doors where the stripping slides in.

    • 3). Grasp the end of the old stripping with the needle-nosed pliers. Pull the stripping out of the track.

    • 4). Slide the plastic edge of the new pile weatherstripping into the track, so the wool pile is on the outside of the track at the bottom of the door.

    • 5). Cut the excess stripping flush with the end of the door. Replace the end caps, if applicable.

    • 6). Vacuum the top and bottom track in the sliding door frame to remove any dirt or grit.

    • 7). Place the bottom of the door back in the track. Tilt the door back up and into place. Replace the top retaining bar.

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